• Wed. Jul 17th, 2024

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Sinclair celebrates Constitution Day

Last week the department of humanities, government and modern languages held a presentation to celebrate and reflect upon the 230th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. Jeff Schmitt,…

Exercise your right to vote

Since the Fall of 2015 the Student and Community Engagement department have been holding a series of events called “Exercise Your Right to Vote”. The department coordinates with the Physical…

Sinclair’s own scores new PBS TV show

In the depths of the Chemistry department something unique is taking place. General chemistry professor Michael Canestaro has been filming a chemistry demo series titled “Science with Mike” with the…

Spotlight: Tom Johnson

The North and Central America and Caribbean World Masters Athletics, or NCCWMA, held a national event in Toronto on August 11-13, and Sinclair was represented by Tom Johnson. Competing as…

New RTA passes for students and faculty

The RTA of Greater Dayton have implemented a new semester pass program for Sinclair students, faculty and staff. The passes were created as part of a new agreement between Sinclair…

New Programs at Sinclair

Sinclair Community College is offering two new associate degree programs and 12 certificate programs this school year. Demand from students and the local job market inspired Sinclair to create several…