Baker’s Beat: Eye on Art: David Scott
Dayton, Ohio has always been home to many famous artists. Bing Davis, Paul Laurence Dunbar and Michael Bashaw are just a few of them. This area has always…
Baker’s Beat: What to do With Your Student Refund
Happy days are here students of Sinclair. Why? Well, because it’s that joyous time of the year where everything doesn’t seem as hopeless. There are smiles on peoples’…
Baker’s Beat: Playing the Game
What do you do when you know you have done nothing wrong but the environment you’re currently in demands you to do an action contradictory to your nature? …
Baker’s Beat: The 2020 Census
What is the Census? Is it some annoying person knocking on your door to try and get into your personal business? Is it the government trying to get a…
Baker’s Beat: Failing with Class
Grades are everything when you’re in school. We are conditioned to retain and regurgitate information at all levels of academia, just so we can earn letters that pretty much…
Baker’s Beat: Freedom Schools
This summer I had the incredible pleasure of teaching at a Freedom School located at the Dayton Boys Prep Academy. Freedom Schools were started in the 1960’s as a…