• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

Earlier this week, I stumbled upon a very adorable scene in the parking lot. Parked right behind my car, there was a father and his toddler. The man seemed to be young but had the charisma and energy that a dad should have, listening to some music on the radio and taking pictures of his young daughter sitting on the top of the car. This simple, but tender moment captures the real essence of fatherhood: caring for your family.

Like any other celebrated occasion, I like to reflect on what it really means, and with regards to Father’s Day, I can say it means a lot. Dads are usually not thought of in the same way moms are, but it is understandable why. Once a baby is born, the mother is allowed to leave from work to nurture the infant, but the father must go back as quickly as possible. This results in the child growing attached to their mom, but the lack of paternal time with their father may create less of an affection between the two.

I, personally, come from a traditional family where my father works, and my mom takes care of the household. While, yes, it is my mom who cooks our meals, takes care of us when we are sick, and ensures that everything in the house is spotless, without my dad working as hard as he does, there would be no food, no medication, and no cleaning supplies. As I grew older, I became much more aware of my father’s efforts to always provide us with the very best, even though I could not literally watch him work. For all that he did and does, I am grateful.

Parenthood is a two-person job, and being a dad is much more than just conceiving a child. It is assuming the responsibility of providing for the family that you created. It is knowing you cannot selfishly walk out on them. It is understanding that you might need to shave so your baby can let you kiss their cheek.

And for every dad that chose to stay and be a real father, Happy Father’s Day from The Clarion.

Jay Mazega

Multimedia Specialist/Distribution/Podcast Host