• Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

Bringing In New Years with Charitable Donations

With the new year approaching, minds go racing as people think about a million things that need to be done.

Cleaning up your house and bringing in the New Year’s with a cleansed soul seems like one of the most important things to have done, but instead of throwing out those old toys, clothes, books, and even food, donating them to charity is always a possibility.

When you toss your trash into the container you don’t really think about it. This is valid for a great many people, yet it’s extraordinarily essential to ponder what your very own garbage bin does to help another family.

Donating to charities is a positive way for you to bring in New Year’s. There are over 20 billion food and toys that are thrown right into the garbage each year. That is considered a waste, when there are toy bins, clothing bins and food pantries that are willing to take the items off your hands and give back to the communities.

Hearing about a charity might feel rare but here are some charities that might even be located near, for you to donate to.

Toys for Tots
Toys for Tots was founded in 1947 by reservist Bill Hendricks. The organization is run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve and provides toys to kids whose guardians can’t afford to get them gifts.

Make-A-Wish Foundation

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is the nation’s largest wish-granting organization. Their mission is to grant the wish of every eligible child that has a critical illness. You can donate to help fulfill specific wishes.

Children’s Trust
The mission of Children’s Trust is to partner with the community to plan, advocate for and fund strategic investments that can improve the lives of all children. They accept cash donations as well as in-kind product donations.

There are not a lot of fortunate people that have the means to buy important essentials on their own. Just donating one item, no matter what it is, can make someone else feel very happy. 

Tyasia Waters