• Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

So the school decided to close down for an extra two weeks, or nearly that anyway. You might be wondering what to do while on shut down. Here’s a list of things that you can do to keep yourself entertained while on shut down. 

(Photo taken by Jeri Hensley)
  1. Try a new Hobby

If you’ve been wanting to learn a new hobby, but never had any time, now is the perfect opportunity. For instance, I’ve always wanted to learn how to crochet so during this break I’ve decided to attempt it. By Day 4 and I was finally able to make a ball. There’s plenty of things you can learn or try to learn, and some of them back even be relaxing! 

(Source: Flickr/Hades2k)
  1. Catch up on homework

Even though school is closed and classes aren’t in session, we all know that inevitably, they’ll resume at some point and we’ll be right back to the grind even if we aren’t face to face.

This break is the perfect chance to get a jump on any projects you know are upcoming, study for tests no matter how far off they may be, or even get started on papers that are due during the semester.

If you were feeling stressed or behind before, now is a great time to get caught up and even be ahead of the curve so you aren’t as stressed when classes do resume. 

(Source: Flickr/Stock Catalog)
  1. Binge-watch your favorite show

Do you have a favorite TV show that you missed during its season because of classes? Now would be the time to get caught up, or even start a new show that you’ve been wanting to watch but just couldn’t find time for! It’s perfectly okay to tune out the world and just dive into a different one with a tv series or movie that you’re excited about.

If you feel comfortable bringing friends around, or if you live with roommates who are also stuck inside during this time, bring them in on the fun! 

(Source: Flickr/Christopher Gaines)
  1. Start a new video game or book

I recently, around December, bought myself a PS4 after never having one and being an Xbox player for years. While there’s a lull in new games dropping, I have plenty of time to catch up on all the cool PS4 games I’ve missed! If you’re like me and you love to take a break from real life with video games, then now is your chance!

There’s a world of games out there that are worth playing, and many more that are worth replaying if you’ve already played them. My list right now includes Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War 4, Heavy Rain, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons when it drops March 20! 

Another good activity is to pick up a new book. Reading is a great way to not only expand your knowledge, it’s a great way to find a new world that you may fall in love with. The Witcher has sprung to popularity again and is a pretty lengthy series that would be perfect for this break. Another runner up is The Unwind Dystology by Neil Schusterman, recommended to me by a friend. 

Now, I’ve listed some ideas here, but my friends and coworkers have ideas as well! I asked a few people what they plan to do while on break.

Sky Parker Burke stated he is going to, “sit in my room and stare angrily out the window.” Brian Walker plans to “catch up on homework and apply for scholarships.” Ayzha Middlebrooks wants to “play video games. I have a lot to catch up on…including Outer Worlds. Watch shows I’ve been putting off. Write.’ Maxwell Patton plans to “catch up on schoolwork.” Lastly, LeAnne McPhearson is going to be “streaming.” 

Don’t be afraid to try something new, or just do whatever makes you happy. The break may be short, or it may be long, but we will get through it. 

Jeri Hensley