Here’s Henry: The Numbers Don’t Lie (Or Do They)?
One thing I can’t stand both as someone who reads the news and as a member of the media, is when people are misled. It can be due to…
Baker’s Beat: What are Bleed Kits?
There is a new tool available on campus designed to keep us safe in preparation for dangerous scenarios when blood loss is a concern. Luckily for us two…
Upon Further Review: What is a Jungle Primary?
It is a voting year and that means everyone is gearing up to vote in their states and is, hopefully, avidly researching what they are going to be voting…
#MeToo at Sinclair
Last October, influential hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was exposed and called out by women who accused him of sexually harassing them. Weinstein was phased out of his company…
My Voice: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is something most of us have heard of by now. In case you haven’t, here’s the story. As humans, we are consumers.…
Overdose Victims Can Be Life Savers
There are more deceased overdose victims donating their organs now more than ever before. The opioid epidemic in Dayton hits close to home for many Ohioans, some who…