Trump Declares National Emergency for Border Wall Funds
President Donald Trump declared a national emergency at the Rose Garden this past Friday, Feb. 15. This is in an effort to get more funding for his border wall,…
Tartan Spotlight: Cassidy Bartlett
Meet… Cassidy Bartlett is a Business and Administration major at Sinclair Community College hoping to transfer to a four-year college for International Relations. Part of a family that…
Polar Bears Invade Russian Towns
Polar bears invading a Russian town has taken social media by storm. Videos of the fluffy white bears wandering around the town of Belushya Guba, Russia are being spread…
Spring Fashion Trends 2019
With weather shifting between dreary snow, overwhelming fog and rainy days we are all looking forward to the coming spring and the slightly more controlled climate it brings. …
Voices of Sinclair: St. Valentines Day
February is here and love is in the air. Feb. 14 marks this year’s Valentine’s Day and it’s sometimes a touchy subject for both couples and singles. Sinclair…
Sinclair Hosts Model UN Confrence
The docket was full for the DAYMUNC (Dayton Model United Nations Conference) the first weekend in February. On Feb. 1 and Feb. 2, building 12 of Sinclair was home…