Black Lives Matter Protest Comes to Dayton
On May 30 a Black Lives Matter protest took place in Downtown Dayton at noon in honor of George Floyd who died May 25 in Minn. allegedly due to police…
Mapping COVID-19 With Sinclair
With businesses opening back up amid the pandemic, it is important to stay educated and move forth with precaution. To understand the COVID-19 crisis, we need to incorporate factual data…
Discrimination Against Asian Americans during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Imagine being on the bus heading to the grocery store, wearing a face mask and taking every sanitary precaution capable. Suddenly, your day changes when you are attacked simply for…
“It Never Happened”: Joe Biden Denies Sexual Assault Allegation in Latest Interview
On Friday, former Vice President Joe Biden appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe for an 18-minute interview to address the sexual assault claim made against him by Tara Reade, a former…
Handling Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Every young American is living in a time that was never expected. Confined to their homes, only capable of leaving if it is a necessity. Purchasing essentials in bundles and…
Jeri’s Jackpot: To Work or Not To Work
Ever since Coronavirus or COVID-19 emerged in the United States, people have gone into a state of panic. I mean, you can’t even walk into a store and buy toilet…