The Best Practices for Advocating in Ohio
On Friday, Jan. 12, 2024, a discussion facilitated by Dr. Tom Roberts, Ohio Fellows Advisor andPresident of Ohio State Conference NAACP, introduced the topic of laws and advocating in Ohio.…
Havoc in the Holy Land
The conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians has once again flared up, with fatality rates skyrocketing especially among women and children in Palestine and Gaza. Despite protests, calls for peace,…
MMIW: The Story of a Crisis
To many, the term Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) is self-explanatory though unfamiliar. Its not the type of thing that pops up on most social media feeds, Tiktok shorts,…
My Voice: My experience voting for the first time
November 7, 2023 elections had much at stake with issues 1 and 2 at the center of the ballet. The issues covered the legalization of marijuana and the abortion. With…
Trump vs The Rule of Law: How The Ex-President’s Trial Could Affect Our Country
I recently had the pleasure of attending a speaking event where Judge Walter H. Rice was the guest speaker. He was there to discuss “The Role of the Federal Judiciary…
The Journey of An Anti-Apartheid ActivistÂ
‘An evening with Mama Nozipo’ was held in Building 12’s conference center and from the moment I walked in I was hit by an overwhelming sense of community and love.…