• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024


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Letter to the Editor

Hello, Let me start by saying that I have been purposely avoiding opinion columns for some time now. More often than not, opinion is presented in ways that cannot, or…

Letter from the editor

In response to the feedback I’ve received, I feel compelled to address some of the concerns about my article “Islamahomophobia” in the last edition.

Letter from the editor

From the editor If you’re reading this, you may have some vague idea of who I am already. My name may sound familiar, it might incite feelings one way or…


Have you wondered what your Phi Theta Kappans have done throughout the summer?   On Saturday, June 13 from noon until midnight, members of your Phi Theta Kappa Nu Pi…

Letter from the Editor

The Clarion wants to acknowledge the feedback we’ve received toward our recent editions. We appreciate our readers’ concerns and comments. As Managing Editor, I want to first and foremost inform…

Letter to the Editor: Police Brutality

In reading the recent edition of the Clarion, the question was raised about “police brutality.” I want to weigh in on that subject because it seems that recent events involving…