Countdown to Halloween: What We Laugh At in the Shadows
I promised in the waning sentences of the last article that we’d be focusing on an atypical “horror film” this week. I also promised that it’d be a sort of…
Rocketman Review
The story of music icon Elton John graced the silver screen in “Rocketman,” a movie that took almost two decades to make. It released on May 31, 2019 and is…
Here’s Henry: Stop Making Live-Action Disney Movies
You may have noticed that Disney has been pumping out an overabundance of remakes of their beloved animated classic films. These are films that play it safe and stick to…
Pixar Palooza V: Finding Nemo
After their last film lost the first ever best-animated picture award to Dreamwork’s “Shrek,” (yes, really) Pixar returned in force with their award-winning fish flick, “Finding Nemo.” Directed by Andrew…
The Countdown to Halloween: Week 2
Don’t Look Now! It’s The Ghost of Donald Sutherland’s Daughter One more week has passed, moving us one step closer to that holiest of holidays, the day to which we’re…
Pixar Palooza IV: Monsters Inc.
After achieving critical and financial success with “Toy Story 2,” Pixar’s momentum only continued with their next big hit, “Monsters Inc.” Upon initial release, Pixar’s fourth motion picture was met…