Claude’s Column: Spidey Saved! Sony and Disney Strike Deal
Spidey fans all over the world are overjoyed following the announcement from both Sony and Marvel that Spider-man is swinging back into the MCU for one more movie. The deal…
Countdown to Halloween: The Horror of Breakups
NOTE: This is a new movie. So as a forewarning, there might be slight spoilers ahead. That being said, I did attempt to keep this at least quasi-spoiler free, but…
Claude’s Column: Masked Menace Wins Over Clarion Critic
How on earth does a studio top the phenomenon that was “Endgame?” The answer is, they don’t. But just because something isn’t as gigantic as “Avengers: Endgame” doesn’t mean it…
Countdown to Halloween: Let the Old Dreams Die
When John Ajvide Lindqvist’s novel “Låt den rätte komma in” was published back in 2004, it was his debut novel. A few short years later, he was referred to as…
Countdown to Halloween: The American Un-Dream
I promised at the end of the last post that we’d again veer away from “horror” and instead talk about a documentary, the subject being that of a forgotten horror…
Black Lemons, Liberal Lemonade: A Rebuke Against the Profitization of Black Plight
It’s time to address the prevalence of black “torture porn” within the film and print industry. Over the past few decades, Hollywood has been (rightly) criticized for its over-the-top, hackneyed…