Reverend Janglebones’ Soapbox: Contemporary Arts Center
The Contemporary Arts Center in downtown Cincinnati is free, diverse and beautiful. The museum doesn’t purchase pieces so its resident exhibitions are always rotating. The center was first founded in…
Claude’s Column: Painting of the Week 1
It’s summer everyone, and you know what that means right? Pool parties, vacations and visiting the Dayton Art Institute. That last one might not sound as exciting to some but…
Dayton Poetry Slam Turns 20
Dayton Poetry Slam, the area’s premier event for local poets and fanatics of the spoken word, serves up freshly written syllables and timeless works bimonthly at a location not far…
Reverend Janglebones’ Tartan Spotlight: Professor Michael Coyan
A renaissance man, or person (since we’re not in the thirteenth century anymore) is someone who is more than just a jack-of-all-trades (because a jack-of-all-trades implies a master of none).…
Design Moving Forward: Shift Portfolio Show
The Design Department at Sinclair will be putting on it’s 25th annual Portfolio Show on April 30. The show is called Shift: Design Moving Forward. The event starts at 7:30…
Stronger Together
Ndikhokhele Bawo. Lead me, oh Father. A traditional Xhosa song often sung during church in South Africa. This gorgeous hymn kicked off the Stronger Together meeting and really set the…