25 Facts You Didn’t Know About Sinclair
1. In 1887, three evening classes in arithmetic, freehand and mechanical drawing were offered to working men. Classes were held in a one-room evening school. 55 men enrolled. -Dawayne Kirkman,…
Featured Artist: Jonpaul Smith Weaves Together “What Was Left”
Few activities embody the creative spirit of mankind than art, and Sinclair has always encouraged and offered young artists opportunities to not only further their studies in the medium but…
Edward A. Dixon Art Gallery
Located at 12 S Ludlow St., not too far from Sinclair’s Dayton campus, is the Edward A. Dixon Art Gallery. My poetry class visited the gallery with the assignment of…
Our Century: Dayton Area Collects
September 9, 2019 The centennial special exhibition Our Century: Dayton Area Collects, organized by the Dayton Art Institute, is bringing together private art collections in Dayton, alongside the museum’s centennial…
Claude’s Column: Painting of the Week: The Scream
Fear is one of the most consistent and easily accessed emotions a human can feel. It can be related to something very small or irrelevant, as well as something large…
Claude’s Column: Painting of the Week 4
This week’s paintings are another case of representational vs abstract. Andrew Wyeth’s “That Gentleman” and Jacob Lawrence’s “Cabinet Maker” are both respectable pieces of art. Now upon first glance, these…