• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Maggie Stacey

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Sinclair offers stress management

Finals week has arrived on campus, and it has brought along ample stress for students. “Stress happens. Sometimes it’s unavoidable; at times, it’s unbearable. That’s why taking time for yourself…

Your Voice:

What stresses you out? Are you stressed about finals? How do you deal with stress? Alex Anders Liberal Arts Major “Yeah, finals stresses me out because I’m an athlete also,…

Your Voice:

Wednesday, April 22 marks the forty-fifth anniversary of Earth Day. In April of 1970, Gaylord Nelson, a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, was inspired by the student anti-war movements. He believed…

2015 Speak week in Dayton

The Dayton Human Relations Council is partnering with the Victoria Theatre Association to empower the community through Dayton’s 2015 Speak Week. Speak Week is a spoken word competition for high…

Your Voice: Will eLearn be better than ANGEL?

Erika Weir Social Work Major “I’m okay with it. I think there’s a bunch of flaws in the system. From what I’ve heard, it’s going to make the professors be…

Tartan Spotlight: Meet Myla Cardona-Jones

Myla Cardona-Jones is a Sinclair student majoring in Paralegal Studies. She previously attended Ohio University and completed her bachelor’s degree in chemistry but soon after realized she had different interests.…