• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

Dennis Hitzeman

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  • Tech Talk: Fair is fair

Tech Talk: Fair is fair

Saving the world one latte at a time One of the great inequities of the global economy is that corporations based in wealthy nations can often dictate the terms of…

Finding something new on the Internet

Sometimes the most fun is not knowing what you’re going to see next With so many modern Web sites hyperactively focused on being portals or providing access to media of…

Tech Talk: The rest of the world blogs too

Sometimes it’s really hard to figure out what is going on in the world. It’s not just that there’s so much news available or that the issues are complex but…

Tech Talk: Reaching the final frontier

Commercial spaceflight promises to open space to everyone. On October 4, 2004, Spaceshipone became the first privately built vehicle in history to achieve the altitude of 62 miles twice in…

Robots for everyone

Commentary Sub: What can’t robots do? Robots have been the stuff of movies and science fiction for a long time, but, as you read this, they are also starting to…

What does your refrigerator do?

Embedded electronics will make everything more advanced Imagine a few years from now you are walking to your car after a day at work. You check the latest text on…