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2014 commencement

ByClarion Staff

Apr 21, 2014


With commencement approaching, the reality has set in on many eligible graduates that their time at Sinclair Community College is drawing to a close.

“I just can’t believe I’m finally here,” Melissa Jacobs, who is graduating with a degree in Business Administration, said. “I’ve been looking forward to this for almost four years.”

Many eligible graduates share Jacobs’ sentiments.

“It feels great knowing that my hard work is finally going to pay off,” Mel Purcell, a Dental Hygiene student, said.

Mario Belsar, an English
student, has been working toward a degree for over six years.

“I wouldn’t have been able to do it anywhere but here at Sinclair,” he said. “Yeah, this is a two-year school, but I work and have a family. Graduating in two years wasn’t going to work for me. It took me a little longer, but now the end is finally in sight and it feels good.”

Another graduate prospect, Jason Kroger, said that during his last few weeks at Sinclair, he was feeling thankful just as much as he felt accomplished.

“I know I’ve come a long way since I first started here, and I know I have a long way to go to get a bachelor’s at a four-year school. But if it wasn’t through Sinclair’s grants and its affordability, none of this would be possible in the first place,” he said.

Coartney Freeland, a Vocal major graduating through the Music program, said she also feels grateful for her time at Sinclair.

“I first came here through the PSEO program,” she said. “Originally, I didn’t know music is what I wanted to do, I was taking general psychology classes at first.”

After a few gen-ed classes, Freeland said she was finally convinced to try out for the Music program through the encouragement of her private music instructors.

“At first, I didn’t think I had the confidence to even audition,” she said. “But eventually I did, and I’m so grateful for that.”

Two years later, Freeland is less than a week from her final recital and will graduate as a Vocal major this May.

“Working hard definitely plays a huge role,” she said. “But I have to give a lot of credit to the Sinclair Music department for getting me to this point.”

Freeland also mentioned how beneficial it is that Sinclair’s Music department is one of the few nationally accredited community college music programs in the country, which according to her, made it much easier when applying to four-year schools.

“I got into every school I applied at,” she said. “It’s been great, and overwhelming.”

On top of being a student worker, a full-time student, and participating in this year’s Spamalot theater production, Freeland still managed to graduate with a 3.96 GPA. Her advice to incoming students:

“Get involved, but find a balance,” she said. “And if you want to do well in class, talk to your professors … I’ve had so many great professors and class discussions that I’ll remember … and ask questions, professors will love you if you do.”

Belsar agrees, “Get involved here at Sinclair, it makes the experience so much more worthwhile. There’s such a diverse population here on campus that getting involved has really opened my eyes to ideas, to cultures … I have a whole new perspective coming out of Sinclair.”

Sinclair Community College’s 2014 commencement ceremony is set to take place on May 4 at the University of Dayton Arena. The event begins at 6 p.m.