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Sinclair hosts Career Exploration and Job Fair

ByClarion Staff

Mar 31, 2014

Sinclair Community College will hosts its Annual Career Exploration and Job Fair, held in the Great Hall in Building 12 on April 9, beginning at noon and ending at 3 p.m.

This event, according to Matt Massie, Manager at Sinclair Career Services, is one of the largest and well attended events in the region.

“We are expecting close to 80 attending organizations and hoping for 500 plus career seekers,” he said.

The organizations that have reserved space in the Great Hall include large companies, such as Emerson, as well as smaller businesses and healthcare providers. For those interested in transferring after Sinclair instead of entering the workforce, several universities will be in attendance, including Miami University and Ohio University.

Leading up to the event, Career Services has organized preparation activities, including walk-in resume reviews, as well as a seminar on “How to Prepare for a Career Fair.”

Additionally, literature on making the most of and preparing for the career fair is available in Career Services in Building 10, Room 312.

Career coaching is also one of the services provided before the event, and includes tips on appearance, strategy and other suggestions on how to successfully attend an event of this kind.

If you are using social media in your career search, it is advised that you look your best when using these sites . The Students Support Sinclair (S3) Campaign and Career Services are teaming up to provide professional headshots to students and employees, with suggested donation amounts of $10 from employees and $5 from students. All proceeds will go toward the S3 campaign.

For more information, contact Career Services at (937) 512-2772.