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Golden rule workshop coming to Sinclair

ByClarion Staff

Jan 23, 2012

Treating others in a manner that you likewise hope to be treated, often referred to as ‘the golden rule,’ has an influence in several religious traditions,” according to Barbara Battin, Campus Minister.

On Feb. 7, Sinclair Community College’s Office of Campus Ministry will be hosting a workshop entitled The Golden Rule, which will explore how the rule is observed in 13 different world religions.

Barbra Battin encourages students to be open-minded when coming to the workshop.

“Students should come with an open mind, an open heart and a willingness to learn about different religions’ traditions,” said Battin.

Along with the influence of the golden rule, the importance of interfaith dialogue will also be discussed during the workshop. Battin explains that interfaith “dialogue,” rather than “discussion,” is used because the root of the word discussion means to “tear apart” and to defend. In contrast dialogue is the process of having a respectful discussion, according to Battin.

“Dialogue [rather than discussion] is the bridge that can help link together my beliefs to yours,” said Battin.

“The reason we feel it is important to hold workshops is in an increasingly smaller world, it becomes more and more important to be able to have conversation and a knowledge about your own beliefs, as well as [the beliefs of] others,” said Battin.

Battin encourages all interested students to participate in the workshop.

“All are welcome! It doesn’t matter your religious tradition, even students who don’t have a religious tradition, are welcome to attend the workshop,” said Battin.

The Golden Rule workshop will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m. in Room 7006 B. Students who plan on attending the workshop are asked to pre-register by Jan.31. Registration can be done by sending an email to barbara.battin@sinclair.edu, calling (937) 512-2481 or stopping by the Campus Ministry office in Building 10 Room 310.