• Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

Intro to upcoming religion series

The world of religion can be an exciting and sometimes scary place to start delving into.

As college students, part of getting an education is to see the world through a different set of eyes and to leave the institution with an open mind towards others. Perhaps the hardest topic to do that in is religion.

From Christianity to Atheism, why you believe we are here on this earth and what is to come after, is a question almost every person asks themselves during their lifetime; and most people feel very strongly about the choices they have made in accepting their beliefs.

During the next six weeks we will be featuring a series of columns written by Religion professor, Amanda Hayden that will explain some of the more prominent religions in the world, as well as some that have the reputation of being misunderstood.

Unfortunately there is not enough time and space to go over all of the religions there are in the world, but we hope by the end our readers will have a better understanding of the ones we have decided to share.

In the melting pot country that we live in it is important to be tolerant of others, who they are, where they’re from and what they believe in.

The next few weeks will feature columns on Wicca, Hinduism, Scientology, Islam Christianity and Buddhism; in no particular order. We also hope to have an Atheism column done and a summary about religion groups at Sinclair to finish it off.

We hope that this series will be enlightening and educating for all of you. Please feel free to leave comments and start discussions on our website at www.sinclairclarion.com and our Facebook by searching Clarion Press.