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Questions about parking IOUs answered

ByGeorgia Howard

Sep 27, 2010

The Clarion recently spoke via e-mail with Ty Stone, director of Business Services at Sinclair Community College about the recent mass e-mail that was sent to all students about parking IOUs.

Clarion: Why was a mass e-mail sent out to students about parking IOUs?
A mass email was sent out because there are approximately 13,000 outstanding IOUs. It would have been very time consuming to go through the list and match email addresses to those that owe. We were trying to get the message out as quickly as possible to give those that have outstanding IOUs time to get them resolved before the holds were issued.

Clarion: How much money is owed for IOUs?
At the $1 rate, it is approximately $32,000 owed.

Clarion: What actions are being taken to prevent this in the future?
We are trying to collect the back IOUs to keep costs down. We hope that the low cost of parking will help prevent this issue.
Clarion: Why is the parking department being so strict about giving them out now? (i.e. A staff member left work at 6 p.m. last Friday and had an IOU on their car)
This has always been our practice, and is listed on our website. If you are here late (after the lot or garage closes) you are asked to pay up front and leave your receipt in the window. If not, an IOU will be issued.

Clarion: A couple of students have brought to our attention that not allowing students access to transcripts, grades and utilizing financial aid may be illegal, some under FERPA laws. Were you or anyone advised by someone before sending the e-mail out?
This initiative was reviewed by the Bursar’s office, parking, legal counsel, and a number of other departments to ensure that student rights were protected. Under FERPA, a student has the right to inspect the contents of his or her education record, regardless of his or her financial status with the institution. FERPA does not require that an institution release a student’s transcript (either official or unofficial) if a student has a past due account.
Clarion: What are the rules and laws that Sinclair follows when withholding students’ information?
Sinclair will gladly provide students transcripts and access to their educational records once all financial obligations are met.
Clarion: Are students still able to obtain IOUs?
Yes, students are still able to obtain IOUs but we need to keep that to a minimum. For any service, you usually pay upon receipt. The same should be true for parking. We understand that things come up, and are willing to help. However, we have to run the parking services as responsibly as possible. We want to keep parking costs low for our students. It is only through efficient management of all aspects of parking that we will be able to continue doing this.

For more information or questions regarding parking issues please visit www.sinclair.edu/about/offices/parking or call 937-512-2397.