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Job fair gives students opportunities for on campus employment

ByGeorgia Howard

Sep 10, 2010

Student Job Fair

Sept. 14 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Building 8 Basement Level

For more information contact Career Services, Building 10 RM 312, 512-2772 or visit their website at www.sinclair.edu/services/career.

The annual fall student job fair will allow students to apply for on-campus employment from a variety of departments that helps give them valuable work experience and supplement their income, according to Tanya Grant, Sinclair Community College coordinator of career services.

The event will be held on Sept. 14, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Building 8 basement level. Any student who is taking six credit hours and is in good standing with Sinclair will be eligible for one of the many jobs available.

“Student employment is geared toward having the opportunity to work on campus and your schedule is centered around your classes,” Grant said. “So your classes take priority.”

Maintenance, Huber, Englewood and Preble Learning Centers, student success planning services, tutorial services, academic advising, help desk and IT labs, theatre and dance, admissions, student activities, Aramark, counseling, life long learning, bursar and adjunct faculty departments are among the many planning to attend.

Most jobs only allow students to work 20 hours per week maximum, making minimum wage but, the knowledge and skills they obtain during that time helps students succeed in their careers or moving on to a University, Grant said.

“It’s not going to make them rich just give them supplemental money but, it’s the experience that is so worthwhile,” Grant said. “The fact that you are networking and you’re talking to professionals within your department, to me that’s a value that you just can’t replace.”

While it is up to the supervisors in each department to engage and place importance on their student workers, Grant believes by the time that they are ready to graduate, transfer or find a job at the Spring Job Fair, they will know exactly how to present themselves.

“At least if anything our student workers should be so well groomed and prepared that they know exactly how to dress, how to sell themselves, have their resume together; they should be top notch,” Grant said.

The fair will also gives students who qualify for the federal work-study program a chance to find jobs. Financial aid will be down there to assist them in finding out what they qualify for. You can learn more about the federal work-study program by going to www.studentsaid.ed.gov and searching “campus aid” or contact the financial aid department at 512-3000.