• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

‘Top Hat Guy’ getting used to the attention

Walking down the halls of Sinclair Community College and being asked about your choice of clothing isn’t something a typical student has to deal with. Brendon Deal does, and he said he enjoys it.

Deal is a second year English major at Sinclair that some students may recognize as “The Top Hat Guy.”

Deal said that some people ask him about his hat but said it doesn’t happen as often as you would think. He said most people come up to him nervously, worried they will offend him by asking about his hat.

“They always seem to think that I’m going to think they are some type of crazy person,” Deal said. “But I enjoy the little conversations.”

Deal said he is a mostly introverted person, but has gotten good at faking the ability to interact with others well.

After being homeschooled through high school, Deal took some courses at different high schools and colleges so the transition to community college hasn’t been difficult for him. He said that he has a close relationship with his family and it is through them he got his first top hat.

Deal’s family gave him an old, beaver-skinned top hat with a crack that was too small for his head. He wore the top hat for at least three quarters.

“I thought it was ridiculous to wear this hat around and I already had no pride,” he laughed. “It started as an (inside) joke.”

When his first hat fell apart, Deal said his parents bought him a new one because they had gotten used to his unique look. People have a lot of strong views about being different, according to Deal.

“I always had people tell me that I was trying desperately not to fit in but I don’t really think about it,” he said.

Deal is aware of the attention his hat has brought him. He said during one of his geography classes a teacher stopped in the middle of lecture to ask him about the top hat.

He said that people around campus have made him aware of his fan page on Facebook. He doesn’t have a profile with the website, but said he is flattered that someone took interest and that his father and brother check it regularly. Deal’s fan page has at least 177 followers, as of May 27.

Deal has also heard that there is another person at Sinclair that wears a top hat.

“I have been told there is another top hat guy and I have begun to suspect he is a boogieman who may or may not exist,” Deal said. “I suppose I have to meet him.”

Deal said that if you have something that you feel makes you different then that’s good, but there is nothing wrong with having things similar to others. As for having people come and talk to him, he says that it doesn’t bother him.

“I really am flattered, slightly confused and extremely embarrassed in a good way about all the attention I’ve received,” Deal said. “I hope people don’t think I’m getting too ahead of myself.”

“The Top Hat Guy at Sinclair Community College” Facebook fan page can be found here.