Springtime is here, and what a perfect time to hold a place for students to mix and mingle. The Sinclair Community College Spring Mixer allows students to see what diverse student groups and organizations are welcome here. It always happens in March; this one was on March 4 last week.

The mixer held spots for many groups, like the Brite Signal Alliance, which focuses on awareness for LGBTQ+ students, The Clarion, ACES (A Culturally Educated Sisterhood), and even groups for international students (ISO).
As students and staff members mingled, students shared their thoughts and opinions on what they love or appreciate about being a woman.
Kourtney Garban, an accounting major, is also the president of the ACES group here at Sinclair.

“I am an African-American woman, so as for me I feel that having a voice as well as advocating and standing up for women that look like me is my favorite part of being a woman… Having the space and vulnerability to be empathic to women that also don’t look like me, but having the ability to just relate to women in general with the problems we face.”
Caitlin McFountain, Nursing major

“I think having the ability of knowledge from women’s history, such a wide supportive environment being a woman. Knowing that I come from a long line of amazing women. Being able to reproduce human beings and spreading love, through the community is what I love the most.”
As the mixer ended, students recognized their part in having specific groups and organizations for students, which holds value in many students’ core values. The spring mixer gives women and people from all walks of life the opportunity to be a part of groups that correlate with them.
Casey Brewer, Reporter