• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

   Sinclair’s Art Club is gearing up for a second try at presenting their Animation Showcase Wednesday Feb. 27.

   The Student Animation Showcase will be held in room 14-301, Feb. 27 from 5-7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public with light food and beverages for sale during the duration of the show.

   The Animation Showcase was originally scheduled for January but was canceled alongside all activities on Sinclair campus due to hazardous weather.

   Due to art student and faculty interest, the Art Club picked up where they left off to bring the event together again.

   “We came about the topic because we knew many students in the art community are very interested in animation or has tried to create animations themselves.” Shay McComb says.

   McComb is the Art Club vice-president and a current art major at Sinclair.

   Student-run organizations, such as Sinclair’s Art Club, help provide students with additional opportunities to enhance the overall Sinclair student experience. The Art Club hopes to provide those interested an insight into what it takes to create animation and how the process has developed over time.

   The two hour showcase will feature animations created by students starting at 5 p.m. followed by a presentation covering the history of animation given by student alumni, Jody Sowald, at 5:30pm.

   “The work put into the event was of course students creating these animations either as part of an assignment for class or just out of pure enjoyment,” McComb said.

McComb continued:

   “Our fellow club member, Darryl [Jones] put the clips together to create a short movie of these animations. Everyone in the club also pitched in to make baked goods and snacks to raise money.”

   “Students can expect to see short clips of animations from current students and alumni,” McComb added, “and a presentation about the process of animation by one of art club’s members, Jody.”

   “Students get to see amazing art collections” added Jared Campell, Art Club member, “Students will be able to understand how to create art in their own unique way and understand how art expresses itself.”

   Finishing off the evening will be a Q&A session with student animators and a small worship at 6:30 p.m., giving attendees a small taste of the animation process.

   Any student, whether art majors or not, that are interested in learning more about cartooning or animation are encouraged to attend.

   Aside from the Animation Showcase, the Art Club is proactive in community involvement and providing their members with opportunities to interact with and hone their creative talents.

   “Our club is always trying to find local art projects in Dayton to help not only the community, but also give our members more experience as art enthusiasts.” McComb said.

   All proceeds made during The Animation Showcase and all Art Club sales and events go towards helping pay for an annual trip to Chicago.

   This trip finishes off the school year providing students a chance to experience Chicago’s Art Institute, as well as smaller local art galleries and potential four year colleges.

James Novotny
Staff Writer