• Wed. Feb 5th, 2025

My Voice: Yoga: More Than Exercise

   Many people hear the term yoga and think of it as a form of exercise. While this may be true, it only skims the surface of the true meaning of yoga.

   I have had an interest in yoga since high school when once a week a woman came in during gym period and taught a class. In February, my interest was piqued again, and I found the yoga studio I am a part of now – Yoga XTC.

   It was here I learned the true meaning of yoga. I am now enrolled in a teacher training program at the studio and my love for yoga continues to blossom.

   There is much more to yoga than meets the eye. The definition of yoga is union – a state of perfect balance between thought, speech and action. It is a system of practices used to master the mind and in turn create peace within ourselves and the world we live in.

   In our western society yoga has become known simply for its asana practice. Asana is the physical poses, which is only one of many parts of the practice of yoga.

   Doctors often refer patients with muscle or other injuries to go to a yoga class because the asana can be extremely healing in a way regular physical therapy or medicine cannot. This is true, but only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to yoga. It is intended to be a journey – a way of life.

   Yoga has changed my life in many ways and I have only been practicing a short amount of time. It encourages you to study yourself, get to know yourself and to love yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.

   It requires constant monitoring of one’s own actions. However, the conclusions you come to about yourself are not meant to be a form of judgement. Rather, they are intended to make you mindful and act as a starting point for improvement.

   It also recognizes that every single person is different, and that is something to appreciate. In our society we tend to compare ourselves to others in many ways.

   Yoga asks that you do not compare yourself to the person sitting next to you but focus on where you are at. No one is the same, and that is fine.

   Personal growth is the goal here, and only when each and every one of us take steps to improve can the world see a true change.

   Yoga is not an easy journey, but anyone can do it if they set their mind to it. It is a practice that has existed for thousands of years and changed the lives of numerous people.

   If you have thought about trying a yoga class, or just wondered what it’s really all about, I encourage you to attend a class. Don’t limit yourself. It may very well change your life like it changed mine.

Kali Macklin
Staff Writer