• Thu. Jul 18th, 2024

   Monday Night Raw was live last night in Brooklyn, New York. Fresh off the heels of an eventful SummerSlam, the landscape of Raw has drastically changed. Three new Champions on the red brand and a new era is awaiting Monday nights.

   Raw kicks off with one of those new champions. The new Universal Champion Roman Reigns. Yes, Roman Reigns finally conquered the Beast and became Universal Champion at SummerSlam. With a mixed reaction from Brooklyn, Roman Reigns lived up to his word. He stated that he will be a fighting champion.

   He had one man in mind for his first challenger, Finn Balor. Finn was the first ever Universal Champion winning the Universal Championship at SummerSlam two years ago, but had to relinquish it the very next day due to injury. Finn gets his opportunity because Finn never got his opportunity to win it back.

   Constable Baron Corbin states that Finn will not get his opportunity because at SummerSlam, Baron was set to face Finn Balor the man not the Demon. However, General Manager Kurt Angle has other plans. Kurt Angle makes sure the Universal Championship match will happen between Finn Balor and Roman Reigns. Kurt also makes another match, Baron Corbin vs. Bobby Lashley to take place right then and there.

Bobby Lashley v. Baron Corbin

   In a solid match, Bobby Lashley handily beat Baron Corbin. Not sure if this will boost some much-needed momentum to Bobby Lashley, but there is always hope.

Paul Heyman Demands a Rematch

   Paul Heyman meets with Kurt Angle to find out when Brock Lesnar can get his contracted rematch for the Universal Championship. Paul Heyman gives Kurt a date for at Hell in Cell for a possible rematch. But, Kurt states it will be a cold day in hell before Brock gets his rematch for the Universal Championship.

The Hug & Boss Connection (Sasha Banks & Bayley) & Ember Moon v. The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan, & Sarah Logan)

   This was a good match between the teams. But, seeing the same teams face each other on a week to week basis, nothing really happens after the results. All the women in this match need to build to more, especially when there is an all women’s pay per view coming soon.

Triple H answers The Undertaker’s Challenge

   In October, two of the biggest names in history, Triple H and The Undertaker clash for the very last time at WWE Super ShowDown in Australia. Triple H states the importance of the last ever encounter between himself and The Undertaker.

   Triple H has never beaten The Undertaker and this will be the last opportunity to. Even though we thought WrestleMania 28 was the End of an Era, the last chapter will be written in Australia.

Dean Ambrose v. Dolph Ziggler

   In Dean’s return to in-ring competition, he takes on the former Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. At SummerSlam, Seth Rollins was able to beat Dolph Ziggler and reclaim the Intercontinental Championship. Dean while recovering and recuperating after his injury has bulked up and also improved his move set.

   Not to sound negative but Dean needed this injury because it has helped his career grow to be a huge superstar. Dean won the match after countering Ziggler’s DDT attempt with a Dirty Deeds DDT for the win.

Elias v. Curt Hawkins

   At SummerSlam, Elias’s concert could not get underway because someone has sabotaged his guitar to break. Elias sets out to find out who broke it. However, Curt Hawkins comes out to try to end his 218 match losing streak. However, it did not end as Elias easily picked up the victory.

Authors of Pain (Akem & Rezar) v. Titus Worldwide (Titus O’Neil & Apollo Crews)

   In yet another match between these two teams, AOP yet again beat Titus Worldwide. This is why Raw is slumping, when the same teams and people face each other all the time and no story development. Hopefully soon, AOP can move on to a new team.

Ronda Rousey’s Raw Women’s Championship Presentation

   At SummerSlam, Ronda Rousey soundly beat Alexa Bliss and made history. Ronda became the first woman to win the UFC and WWE Women’s Championship. With the Raw Women’s Division surrounding the ring, Raw Commissioner Stephanie McMahon presented the Raw Women’s Championship to the new champion Ronda Rousey.

   Ronda accepts the championship and states she will not be Brock Lesnar. She will defend the Raw Women’s Championship and cannot wait to get in the ring with all the women surrounding the ring. However, Stephanie does not see Ronda that way. She believes Ronda just wants to break all the arms of the women’s division. Stephanie strikes a nerve with Ronda. Which leads to Ronda yet again attempting to break the arm of Stephanie McMahon.

   After the moment, Stephanie and Baron confront Kurt Angle. Kurt was not in the ring for the celebration. Baron and Stephanie believe Kurt has lost all control of Raw, leading to her giving Kurt a mandatory vacation. Stephanie appoints Baron the acting General Manager of Raw.

Bo Dallas v. Scott Dawson

   At SummerSlam, The B Team retained the Raw Tag Team Championships. However, in singles action, the luck did not favor the B Team. Scott Dawson was the first to pick up a victory over Bo Dallas.

Curtis Axel v. Dash Wilder

   Dash Wilder was the next to pick up a victory over the other half of The B Team. I believe the steam of The B Team has run out and need to move on to try to develop the Raw Tag Team Division.

Universal Championship: Roman Reigns v. Finn Balor

   New Universal Champion Roman Reigns has his first title defense against someone who has never got a rematch for the Universal Championship. In a great match between the two men fighting over the biggest prize on Monday Night Raw, they know lurking is Mr. Monster in the Bank, Braun Strowman.

   Roman seems to be close to ending the match, when Braun Strowman makes himself present. Roman, however, did not let it distract him as he was able to spear Finn for the win.

   However, there was no time to celebrate. Braun was moments from cashing in the Money in the Bank Briefcase. Until the Hounds of Justice, The Shield (Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins) came out to protect their Shield brother Roman Reigns. Even though Braun tried to fight them off, the numbers game of The Shield became too much for Braun as they Triple Powerbomb Braun through the announce table to end Raw.


   This was not the best Raw. However, the end was incredible. Felt like an old Raw when big moments and unpredictability. The Shield reuniting was a fantastic way to close out Raw.

David Jacobus