• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

Laina Yost and Mr. Barton,

I’m a 64-year old returning (multi alumni) and I’ve enjoyed reading your Clarion…somewhat.

The politics we are going through are so immature and problematic. They both are tremendous egomaniacs that want the position for vanity. The polls that state 87 percent of the population doesn’t want either of them (Me.) I’m an ex Vet–and I don’t see anyone in politics with the true proper motivation. This situation should bear the concern of where this “aspect” will lead to. When the population has less and less discipline, character and integrity.  Greed has brought tremendous fraud and social deviation.

The SCC students who do the simple question and answers (Your Voice) reveal a possible non-concern of the new generation. As a vet, I can tell you reality can become frightening. September 11 was very real.

History shows U.S. population didn’t want to stop the actions of WWI and WWII–that eventual cost was tremendous. Ever since, as well.

There are so many factors that bring about these problems. Our current movies, TV and war games are having severe effects on our children [and emerging adults]. Subliminal–but very effective.

Young people seriously need to know how to distinguish truth from untruth. All the consequences will come–whether you get involved or not. If you’re going down the rapids, participate in states. The waterfall is coming.

Your generation is capable. Rise to the need!

Gerald S. Hulsey