• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

In Life and Liberty: Dying over Clinton’s death

It’s the 9/11 memorial. Many people are there, remembering their loved ones and the terrible events that took place 15 years ago. A familiar face, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, is there. She was there for an hour and thirty minutes before abruptly leaving and going to her daughter’s apartment.

Her campaign later stated that she felt overheated and was dehydrated, so she decided to leave and recover. However, her overheating later turned into pneumonia, which had been diagnosed on Friday, two days before the memorial. It just wasn’t revealed to the public until it had to be. And now it’s a national story. After all, politicians should never be sick. It might as well be outlawed.

Suddenly everyone is questioning why she lied about her health and how this is going to affect her campaign because it’s not like the email thing was a big deal or the time when she called Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables”. It’s time to move on with the next big thing and exploit as much out of this as we possibly can. She’s probably dying. And it’s up to the next big journalist to discover who, what, when, where and why.

NBC News published the nine unanswered questions that they have, and I guess we need to have too, over her health scare. Why not inform the public? Did she lose consciousness? Has she been ill on other days? And the questions go on and on. After all, these are extremely important questions we need answered. No 68 year old woman needs to be that sick! Also, normal people don’t get walking pneumonia and Clinton is normal. She even carries hot sauce in her bag. It’s not like we have national security, immigration, global terrorism and the economy to focus on. Not when old Hill Dog is sick.

Trump has been pushing Clinton to reveal her health records for many days before the incident and has been spreading rumors about her health for several weeks. He has been pushing and questioning her stamina for a long while now.The press must now face the terrifying question. Was Trump actually correct for once in his life? There is nothing more terrifying than that!

I was gearing up for a giant Trump comeback, I had the popcorn ready, my slippers on because I’m an old person trapped in a youth’s body, and Trump comes back with… a get well message? What happened to the guy who called out Megyn Kelly for being a female and “having blood coming out of her whatever”? Yes, it’s appalling, but it’s America and we citizens, as much as you may deny it, thrive on this kind of stuff. The back and forth, the insults, it’s just like another night of Real Housewives except Presidential edition! I mean, really, who is Donald Trump if he isn’t insulting someone? The entertainment section will be gone without him.

Trump promised a big reveal on his health and everyone expected a big health reveal, however, he only released a doctor’s note. Then again, Trump has been known to disappoint on his big reveals. Just ask Chris Christie about the Vice President reveal. No one was more disappointed than him.

The Clinton camp is either bracing themselves for the real insults, that are likely to come in a few days, or thanking their lucky stars that Trump has decided to take a page out of their book and stay silent.

Meanwhile, the press is just insulted that Clinton hasn’t told them about her health. This really shouldn’t be surprising. Clinton isn’t exactly known for being an open book about her campaign. The only time she talks to the press is when she is forced to. With their crazed reaction to her health, she isn’t likely to release much information.

Both Clinton and Trump are older, 68 and 70 respectively, and the campaign trail is a very grueling thing to have to go through. It really only makes sense that at some point, someone will get ill. However, this is politics and logic isn’t welcome here. So obviously, Clinton is dying and if she becomes president, we may have that guy who is her VP that no one remembers as president. So read up on your Vice Presidents, I guess that they’re important now.

If I can sneak in something that isn’t pure sarcasm because the above comments are all sarcasm, seriously, be logical. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Clinton or Trump fan, the campaign trail is seriously taxing so sickness may occur if you’re not drinking enough water, eating well enough and getting a good night’s sleep. People who play sports may be able to relate to that. No, it’s not great that Clinton hid her illness from the world until she had no choice, but honestly, it isn’t the first thing she has hidden from the American public and so I’d advise to look at some other things rather than her health.

Also, the press is going to go crazy on this one. Fox News won’t have this much fun for a quite awhile so they are going to get all the possible enjoyment they possibly can out of this. I’m not always proud to be a member of this journalist community, especially when they act like this. There are so many other important things to focus on, things that we as an American public are concerned about, and here we are covering something that someone will soon tag a gate at the end of it.

I think that we need to vote for someone based on their record and their stance on the issues, not their health. In the meantime, let’s get a good laugh out of Clinton’s panic, the press’ frenzy and Trump’s insults. Because, let’s be honest, we all know that they’re coming, it’s just that his insult guy is still in fifth grade and he was still in school in Monday’s immediate aftermath.

This isn’t a defense of Clinton. I have my own issues with both candidates, so I tend to look at this like an outsider looking in. I can mock both sides and I can laugh at them, but when it comes to this, everyone, Clinton, Trump, the press and the American public, just looks ridiculous. So let’s take a deep breath, let out a belly laugh and watch the spectacle that has become something called a presidential campaign, but don’t forget the issues that are important and don’t take away the fact that around 2,996 people died 15 years ago. That is what we should never forget.

Laina Yost

Managing Editor