• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 presetI’m a young teen trying to survive in this world. And with some people, their maturity level is not where it should be when they graduate high school and starting college. I’m mature like people should be when in college and they frustrate me.

In college you shouldn’t ask teachers to hang heir assignments up on their fridge or in the classroom. I have a good tolerance to annoying people, but this girl breaks through my barrier. I try to be nice to her, but I just cannot stand her at all.

What do I do about this girl? She does not act like she’s in college—she acts like she’s in elementary school.


Losing my sanity

Dear Losing my sanity,

Unfortunately, you will find “annoying” people everywhere you go, so the best thing to do is learn how to deal with it and don’t let it get to you. With that being said, I think it’s one of those things that are easier said than done.

People can just go against the grain, and before you know it you’ve lost all patience. Personally, I do think maturity evolves differently for everyone, and may take more or less time depending on the person.

I think also social skills play a role in this situation. She might not realize that college is different from elementary, junior high and high school. Once she spends more time in a college environment, she might change and start developing the social skills that should take place on a college campus.

I hate to be one of those people who say, “it’s the ‘real’ world.” But it’s true. Once you spend more time outside of your parent’s nest, you’ll realize the world is filled with all types of people. I think the best thing anyone can do is find ways to cope with obstacles, whether that is “annoying people” or a job or school.

If you don’t have to work with this girl in the classroom, then I would ignore her and try to breathe and focus on what you have to do. I would waste your time worrying about her and her actions. I have had plenty of people that push my buttons, but it’s how you overcome it that makes you the bigger person.

Good luck,
