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Month: August 2016

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Coming Soon: Sinclair Theatre

Sinclair Theatre is proud to present a monstrously magical season. All performances will take place in Sinclair’s Blair Hall Theatre located in Building 2. This season will feature shows like…

Tartan Spotlight: Taylor Hudson

Meet… Taylor Hudson, a communication major who has found a warm welcome here at Sinclair and believes that we all need to appreciate the simpler things. Why she’s interesting… Hudson…

Dear Gabby

Dear Gabby, My life sucks. It might sound like I am exaggerating, but I have so much stress I feel like I am going to have a mental breakdown soon.…

Poetry Pick: need

The unspoken words mingle in my mouth dance to the tip of my tongue try to escape my throat and I don’t let them because words can change a life,…

Playing It Forward

We’ve all heard of paying it forward, the trend of purchasing something small for someone behind you in line—paying for their meal or their coffee to spread some good will.…

In Life and Liberty

Minnesota, Trump, Dallas, Baton Rouge, Clinton, Chicago, Orlando. These are some of the top Google searches that have trended over the past 30 days. This is our reality today. Politicians,…