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Month: October 2014

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  • Early Voting 2014

Early Voting 2014

With the midterm election season upon us, Sinclair students were presented with multiple opportunities to register to vote in time for early voting here in Ohio, which began last Tuesday.…

ebola virus scare

Since around the end of September,Ebola has been a growing concern within the United States. As of October 16, we have three confirmed cases of Ebola within in the United…

Students fundraise for Guatemala trip

For 10 days Sinclair students will be going to Guatemala for a service-learning trip to build clean cookstoves and to supplement their classroom learning. The students will learn the culture,…

Incorporating Peace building Sinclair Talk

On Tuesday, Oct. 14, a Sinclair Talks titled The Ways and Means of Peace: Incorporating Peace Building Approaches Personally  and Professionally was hosted by David Smith, an independent consultant. “The…

Tyler’s Cartoons – Week of October 7th

Sinclair Student Poetry Submissions – Week of October 7th

All poems by Latisha Ellis Reality in a Dream A sweet breeze washes over the tree Remind me of a peaceful time I once lived The wind comforts me like…