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Month: September 2009

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  • Students speak out in speech competitions

Students speak out in speech competitions

The upcoming Fall Quarter Speech Meet gives outstanding public speaking students competitive speaking experience and allows faculty judges to see what students have learned in the classroom, according to Lori…

Professor discovers a passion for writing fiction

A year ago Associate Professor Sándor Márai considered himself a poet, not an author of fiction. That all changed when former student Jonathan Kaczur called him out during class. Márai…

Jobs available on and off Sinclair’s campus

More than 300 students and 21 departments participated in the annual Student Employment Job Fair on Sept. 14, according to Career Services Manager Matt Massie.  He said that student feedback…

Working against the system

In today’s economic climate more and more individuals and families are turning to the government for assistance.  Many have never been on government assistance before. These people are finding out…

KiD CuDi delivers a G.O.O.D. album

“Man on the Moon: The End of Day,” the debut album from KiD CuDi, doesn’t sound like a conventional hip-hop album. Whereas most hip-hop albums feature heavy drums and soul…

Your OS sucks!

Brand fanatics miss the point about the computer as a tool I am multi-lingual–that is, I speak Linux, OS X and Windows with equal ease–and I am here to tell…