Visual search
Have you ever been to a web page that you remember what it looked like but forgot what it was called? Have you ever wanted to search for something by…
Holiday! Celebrate!
One of my favorite Motown songs is the Rare Earth classic “I Just Want to Celebrate.” The crux of the song basically revolves around the singer wanting to celebrate just…
Tech Talk: Water into electricity into water
Fuel cells offer a low emission solution for future energy production A fuel cell is a device that uses a chemical reaction to generate electricity, the most common of which…
Hypotenuse Gallery on display in Triangle Gallery
The 2009 Fine Art Student Exhibition Award winners will be on display in the Burnell Roberts Triangle Gallery, Zone VI Gallery and the Hypotenuse Gallery on the second and third…
Drafts sights and sounds
New York Jets fans ran amuck in Radio City Music Hall on April 25 at the NFL Draft. When news broke of the Jets trading up to No. 5 to…